
How does SorptionShade work?

SorptionShade is a modification of the well known aluminum shutter. By modifying the shutter, it is possible to draw air through the shutter slats and frame. The shutter is heated in the sunshine and heats up the air that is drawn through. Slats and frame are hollow and work both as a bearing and air canal. Hot air is then drawn to a sorption ventilation system.

The sorption ventilation system has besides the ventilation, a built-in cooling function, and uses only electricity, water and hot air. With those three inputs, it is able to create optimal indoor climate. Hot air from the slats can heat up the building by pre-heating the supply air, or transform the hot air into cooling in the sorption process.

The sorption proces humidifies the air, causing it to transform from hot into cold air. It is is a much more sustainable, but lesser known alternative to traditional chillers and heat pumps.

Minimum Requirements

100 m2 shutter

5.000 m3/h. Ventilation

*equivalent to 4 classrooms

SorptionShade can fit a building that…

Is in a design state

Is about to undergo comprehensive restorations

SorptionShade is sustainable because…

It is made from recycled aluminum

It is both a shutter and a energy source

It helps lower the use of electricity needed for heating and cooling